These mountains of corpse hidden in the Atlantic Ocean have been discovered by Brazilian scientists on a donkey donated by Green Money. This ship is on a scientific mission till May. With the North coast of Brazil, it is the area where France's company, toilets and Brazil's Institute of Environment and renewable natural resources are waiting for the release of oil extraction licenses.
Ronaldo Francini-Filho, a related research from the mission, says, "This is the first time we got pictures from the robot's area." These pictures are taken from coral reefs in extremely low-depth waters of the region, where oil is expected to be extracted. ''
According to scientists, it is the largest ref or rock discovered in Brazil. Initially the region's area was estimated at 9,500 square kilometers, but its actual area is 56,000 square kilometers. That is, it is Brazil's largest, while one of the world's largest Coral Reefs.
corals are dying
According to Thiago Almeida, a team of working organizations to protect coral rocks in Amazon, there is a dire need for the campaign to protect Coral Reef, "Our scientific research here is to prove that This is a truly new biological region that is so unique in the world that science does not even know about it. ''
On the other hand, the issuance of oil-producing companies, France's Tuttle Islands and British Petroleum UK, is the last step in its final stages.
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