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Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Discovering the signs of ancient human step 13 thousand years in Canada

Ottawa: The island callout in British Columbia province, Canada has got 29 marks of ancient human feet 13 thousand years, which are of three different people.

In the Canadian coastal area, there are signs of a fifth of human beings related to the Middle East. These 29 marks are three separate sizes, which strengthens that 13,000 families were inhabited here.

The symptoms of the feet are three people, one of whom is a male, a female and a child's foot, and all three signs are found in the soil that are found through minor labor and general technology.

The Max Planet Institute for Human History Investigation Team, located in Germany, discovered 29-foot marks in just 4 km area by digging soil soil in the colonial tree trash in Kaltwat Island.

Due to different sizes of walking, walking style and movement, it is known that they were the same family members and they had made this region habitat for many years. Experts in this area are available for research since the archaeological year 2014.

After researchers fascinating fascinating tests and other stages, they have told those signs of step 13,000 years old, which are probably the oldest of the still discovered discoveries, but it is not yet known that the signs of these steps Who belong to a nation? And they belong to a famous person, tribe or nation?

In order to achieve these questions, human history experts and scientists are still engaged in research and are hopeful that this research will prove to be 'backbone' in understanding human history.

According to archaeologists, during the periods of these steps, sea levels will decrease by two to three meters today, some signs of steps will become part of the ocean - now research scope further Need to increase

From that region, the first unique sign of the alleged human step in 2014 was discovered, after which researchers had decided to digging continuously, and more than 28 marks were received between 2015 and 2016, so far 29 marks of human movements are yet to be discovered. Have been

There are only signs of stepping up in the 4-km area, which are preserving archaeologists.

This research was published in Germany's research journal, Plos One, a few days ago, which is archaeologists worldwide.

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