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Wednesday 4 April 2018

Unique technology use in iPhone

Apple is working on the manufacture of an iPhone, which features a khamdar screen and touch-lace gaster control with unique features.

A new report from Bloomberg claims that Apple wants to make big changes to separate devices from other smartphones.

Touchscreen means that the user will be able to use the device by moving the finger closer to the touch without touching its iPhone screen.

Apple has been thinking of this technique since November last year with a technology-based iPhone, and a patent also came in front of it, according to which iPhone's X-Drop camera system can identify hand movement in Thy DSpace. Will be

Through this technology, Apple users want to experience a surprise experience of smartphones when they can control the device with just a few fingers, without touching the display.

This technology can be effective for automated realities, which has been done in recent years by Apple.

However, this technology is not reported in the report on whether or not this technology will be a part of the upcoming iPhone (potential) this year.

As far as earthquake is screened, the rumors of the manufacture of such display-ip-ipad phones regarding Apple are facing many years.

However, the report has claimed that the display of the iPhone will be slightly lower than the top, which will be quite different from Samsung's flagship phones, which will lead side edges.

This type of experience was also done in LGGFlex phone, but it could not be more successful and LG did not even raise this idea.


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