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Thursday, 5 April 2018

From $12 monthly till billionaire

Can you imagine that one person whose income was $12 in the next 10 to 20 years he will becoming billionaire?
If not, the founder and chairman of the famous Ecommerce Company, Ali-Baba, showed something like this.
Jack Ma currently own $ 45 billion but there was a time when their monthly income was nothing.
After graduation in 1988, Jack Ma started working as a English teacher at a university in Hong Kong, where his monthly salary was just $ 12.
Jack, indeed, the college entrance exams failed twice and they were fired by dozens of jobs.
In 1995, he had an opportunity to go to the US, where the Internet pulled them on, and then he created 2 internet companies who failed, but the third time his internet company named Ali Baba is succeeded.
This company started its journey in 1999 and is now worth $ 500, while Jack Ma assets have reached $ 45 billion.
However, Jack Ma said he was happier when his income was unavailable and he did not think of his struggle to be the best part of life.
They said that when you do not have much money, you know how to spend your income but responsibilities become increased when you become billionaire.
Jack said in simple words, a billion rupees are a burden. When you accuse a billion dollars, it is not your wealth; the wealth that I have today is a responsibility, that people believe in me.
In his various interviews, he has said that when you earn $ 10 million, it is 'lucky' but when this amount reaches one million dollars 'you are in trouble'.
Jack is one of the richest people in China with $ 45 billion in assets, but are supporters of anti-showing exhibitions and their personal life away from the eyes of people.
They still enjoy medals at top of the peaks and play poker with friends at home.
During his interview, a friend of his friend and a company told Jack that my life style is very simple and variable.
He said that Jack Mae's favorite work is still to read Tie Chi and Kungwa novels, and I do not think he will change as world richest person because he is not a changeable person.

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