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Wednesday 4 April 2018

Mobile phones built for protection of children on the internet Inefficient, research

Internet technology has become so common that even children are using it through smartphones, tablets and other devices.
The way parents are worried about protecting children in the real world, as well as the idea of preserving their crocodiles in the world of the world.
Due to the parent's concern for children, many mobile apps were created, aimed at helping parents in protecting children from the criminal and negative minds of the Internet.
These apps are designed with children's viewpoint, but recently released two research states that instead of the benefits of these apps may be harmful, and due to them we have a strong relationship between the children and the parents. Encourage children and also respond to online threats.
Both researches have been conducted by researchers in the United States Central Florida University, and during research researchers, 215 parents and their children who use parental control apps on smartphones.
Scientists also saw whether these apps really help in child custody online and what children use these apps think of their parents.
According to researchers, parents with high temperament, who were not in favor of giving their children freedom, use the most parental control apps, interestingly, their children face online threats such as neurological content. Today, harassment, and sexual orientation etc. are more frequent than other children.
Experts concluded that the parental control apps control children's online activities, but they are not much effective in the protection of the Internet.


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