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Wednesday, 4 April 2018

NASA determination to lift the veil from the secrets of Mars

NASA's new plan for detecting the extensions of the universe, the newest spacecraft called "Insight" will be released next month to take the curtain from the secrets of the Red Planet. According to NASA, this modern -> space called 'Insight' The ship will be sent to Mars next 5 months next month, which will review the internal level of the Red Planet. NASA's astronauts hope that this mission will provide fresh information about Mars's internal structure, chemical synthesis, history and other planets.
Experts believe that the study of Mars's internal structure will also get information on the ground. Important expert Bruce Bennett related to this space mission in Vanessa says that by taking the curtain from the secrets of the Red Planet, we take the news of our blue planet. Will be able to According to experts, this important mission will not only increase our information on Mars but the whole system solar. This mission, called "Insight", sent to Mars, is the full name "Interrier Exploration Standards InvestigationGuildies and Heat Transport.

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