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Tuesday, 3 April 2018

viruses are gathered in the atmosphere and come to the ground again, scientists

 An international team of scientists has shown this interesting that a large number of viruses are gathering in the groundwater and they are falling from heaven to the ground.

Scientists from Canada, USA, and Spain have said that a layer of earthquake is the cause of the virus in the Trooperfire and this place has fallen from all weather activities, whereas the Straitosphere below the jet jet, and the same place is thousands of kilometers away. Going down on the ground. According to experts, about 80 million viruses are being collected at a square meter area daily.

Virgogist Croatia's University of Canada, Columbus, says that a continental virus is reaching another continent, reaching the highest level of groundwater through viruses and bacterial soil, surrounding and ocean levels, and again Turning around the ground
Jamia Gharnnath and San Diego State University specialists have discovered that 2500 to 3000 meters are present on the air-bound airline, which is gathering small germs and trying to understand this strange process. For this, experts have chosen the Sierra Nevada hills in Spain. There are experts per square meter, billions of viruses and hundreds of bacteria, but bacteria are getting less and more viruses.

Ghabnath University expert Asabel Rish says that the virus and bacteria return to the ground again due to rain and storm rains in the desert, but rain does not play a very effective role in the process. Experts also count this marine sphere as an important role.

The sea spare (C spray) is called the overall process in which particles from the surface of the ocean produce particles and flying in the form of bubbles fly above. Viruses rush on any organic particles, reaching a high level, but experts will further investigate the damages and potential effects of the virus.

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